A Prolific Pin Procurer - A. Corbin Custom Flashing Blinky Light Pins
The Start of a Beautiful Friendship
In May of 2019 A. Corbin contacted us through our email contact form asking us about a customized blinky light:
Hello, I'm looking to purchase the Red Apple Body Lights Sku: 3735000. Is it possible to get the logo "Go 29" in the center of the apple?
And we obliged:

125 pcs $ 3.16 ea.
250 pcs $ 2.82 ea.
500 pcs $ 2.66 ea.
1000 pcs $ 2.49 ea.
Set-up Fee (per color): $50.00
The turnaround time is 5 business days plus shipping time.
What do you think?

Okay, here it is attached. Either of these would be $1.99 each plus $100.00 for international shipping and the turnaround time is 3-5 weeks.
Ding Ding!

There is the artwork file, an LED diagram and an animation of what the blinkee will look like. I've also included an invoice for the order.
Hello Matt,
Can you do anything with the images attached for a blinker button?

How does the attached image look to you?
Another Success Leads to Another New Blinky Pin
In April of 2018 A Corbin contacted us again:
Hello Matt,
I haven’t spoken to you in a while. Praying all in well with you.
So, I have a project coming up and I want to know if you have on hand of the image I’ve attached to this email. I would like to have a white and gold and blue and gold along with it blinking. Must have a secure back as well.
Let me know if this is something you can do.
Hello Matt,
Pray all is well with you.
Please see attachment. If possible, can you email me a sample of the white and sapphire blue with and without the letters I wrote in on the attachment. I want to see how it will look with both, along with the blinking in the background.
Next I went through several tries to get what she wanted with feedback interspersed. They ended up ordering 1000 of each of the diamond and sapphire pins. I'm sure we will here from them again before long.